Friday, January 22, 2016

Visiting Kiyomizu Dera on New Years Eve

This year we visited Kiyomizu Dera the clear water temple on New Year's Eve. Unlike other shrines and temples (yasaka jinja and koudaiji), Kiyomizu Dera opened later at 10pm (the schedule will be published on its Japanese website) and is open all night long till day break, it is also open the next day. 

On New Year's Eve people come here to make the first new year wishes with a dedicated heart (the more determined you are the more likely your wish will become true). It's exiciting with a tipsy crowd and it's cool to see the temple illuminated.

It was nearly 40 minutes walk from Yasaka at Gion district passing by Koudaiji and then to Kiyomizu. It was cold but many young Japanese people are making this "pilgrimage" so we decided to join.

There were many beautiful sites along the way : wooden pagodas, giant Kanon Buddha statue at Koudaiji, giant Tang Dynasty inspired bell at Koudaiji, and Ishibei Kouji (little pebble road, famous for its Minshuku 民宿 the traditional family operated inns with paper window panes and bamboo walls and tiled roofs). 

There was a big crowd near the entrance of the temple and shops started to open near the clock. Food and drinks were not allowed at the temple so you cannot eat and walk (which is considered rude in Japan).

The temple was open at 10pm sharp. The crowd rush in to view the red pagoda and foreground, before reaching the ticket booth. You have to buy a ticket, but keep the ticket, it's the same one you can use for the next days in fact, given that it is seasonal, you can probably use it all seasons. 

The illuminated temple was beautiful at night (more beautiful than day time because winter had stripped all the branches of leaves). 

The famous raised platform of pure wood grid foundation was also illuminated and a crowd of at least 200 people gather. There is walkway on the right side facing the platform, along the mountain and downward to exit the ground. It's a perfect place to snap a picture of the raised platform, a picture perfect spot for Kiyomizu Dera.

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