Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Nijo Castle Nijojo 二条城 Kyoto Japan Historic Travel

There's a small castle in mid Kyoto near the imperial park. Though small, it has all th essential intricacies of a Japanese castle. If you have time, it worth visiting for sure. What's special about Nijojo? Definitely its security mechanism. 

Have you heard of the Nightingale Floor or the Creaking floor of Nijojo?

It's an ancient security device used to alert castle dwellers of potential intruders and assassins. uguisubari (鴬張り) floor is designed in such a way that hidden nails will rub against a mechanism even when slight pressure is applied on the floor panels, making rather annoying chirping sounds. At night fall, this mechanism can be especially useful in dark dimly lighted halls leaving intruders little space to hide. 

Picture credit wikipedia

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